Vendor Code: 08С2422-Г50
Pattern: 5616
The raw material:
Description: TRIMMING CORD
Send request for goods
Products available to order
Vendor Code/Pattern: 08С2422-Г50 \ 5616
Color: \157\
Price For Pack: 5.78 BYN
Apr:170.73 RUB; 1.66 USD.
Grade: 1
Packaging: 116 M
Weight 1 pack: 454 гр.
Vendor Code/Pattern: 08С2422-Г50 \ 5616
Color: \157\
Price For Pack: 2.78 BYN
Apr:82.04 RUB; 0.80 USD.
Grade: 1
Packaging: 56 M
Weight 1 pack: 241 гр.
Vendor Code/Pattern: 08С2422-Г50 \ 5616
Color: \157\
Price For Pack: 3.47 BYN
Apr:102.59 RUB; 1.00 USD.
Grade: 1
Packaging: 69 M
Weight 1 pack: 290 гр.
Vendor Code/Pattern: 08С2422-Г50 \ 5616
Color: \157\
Price For Pack: 2.50 BYN
Apr:73.91 RUB; 0.72 USD.
Grade: 1
Packaging: 50 M
Unpacking is the ability to buy products in minimal packaging. For example, there is a tape in a package of 500 meters (contains 10 rolls of 50 meters each) in stock. You can send a request for unpacking, i.e. buy from 1 roll (50 meters) of tape. Upon receipt of your request, the manager, if possible, will carry out the unpacking. This option depends on production and technological factors and is decided individually for each type of product. Possible minimum packaging of products is indicated in the information block "Unpacking", in the line "Packaging".